Club Meetings and Newsletter


Monthly at 9.30am, on the 4th Tuesday except December at South Newcastle Rugby League Club, 46 Llewellyn St, Merewether NSW 2291.  
Meetings provide fellowship, presentations and interesting discussion.

  • Committee Reports are given.
  • A member presents a special interest topic or an autobiography.
  • A coffee break is taken for comfort and a chat.
  • A guest speaker presents on a subject of interest.
  • Meetings finish by 11.30 am.


Held coinciding with the March General Meeting.


A Monthly Newsletter, summarising Club activities, happenings and general notices, is published on this website. Click on the Menu Item. 
It is also Emailed to Members and copies are available at each meeting.

 see Activities Page

Between meetings activities are arranged, visits to places and organisations of particular interest to Members. Visits usually include a social lunch. 

This is Newcastle Probus Club

Our Group at the 2024 Annual General Meeting

How to get there: 

Meetings are always enjoyable, informative and pleasant company.